Run Experience: How chiropractic can improve your performance in the Paris Marathon.

The chiropractors members of the AFC (French Chiropractic Association) offer chiropractic assessments and advice adapted to athletes to improve their performance during the Paris Marathon.
The Paris Marathon, one of the most emblematic sporting events in the French capital, attracts thousands of runners from all over the world each year to run the 42.195 kilometer course. This year, an unusual presence will be noticed on the starting line: the chiropractors members of theFrench Chiropractic Association accompanied by their patient. There will be ten pairs taking part in this legendary race, each sharing a common goal. But their participation does not stop there: on the Run ExperienceThey will also offer postural assessments and personalized advice adapted to athletes.

Chiropractic in the physical preparation of athletes
At the booth Run Experiences, the chiropractors members of theAFC offers a complete chiropractic evaluation for athletes. This thorough analysis allows us to evaluate the joints, muscle function and posture to detect any imbalances or dysfunctions that could impact the athlete's performance.
The chiropractors Then, they provide personalized advice to improve the physical capacities of each athlete and prevent injuries.
In addition, runners can benefit from Kinesio Taping® to alleviate any pain during the race. With their personalized and professional approach, the chiropractors members of theAFC help athletes improve their health and athletic performance.

Kinesio Taping® is a technique used by manual therapists to relieve muscle and joint pain in athletes. The technique consists of applying strips of elastic adhesive fabric to painful areas of the body. The tapes are applied according to the desired objective, whether it is to stimulate muscles, improve blood or lymphatic circulation, reduce inflammation, or correct posture.

The benefits of chiropractic for athletes
Chiropractic is a discipline that offers many advantages for athletes, whether it is for their health or their performance. Let's discover the different benefits that runners can get from this practice:
- Improved joint mobility and pain reduction: through manual adjustments targeted at the joints and spine, chiropractic improves joint mobility and reduces pain. This technique is particularly beneficial for runners, who are constantly straining their joints and muscles.
- Injury Prevention: chiropractic can help prevent injuries by working on posture, muscle strengthening and reducing muscle tension. Chiropractors can also provide individualized advice to help runners strengthen the muscles that are most stressed during a race, as well as adopt good practices to avoid injury.
- Accelerating the healing process: if an injury occurs, chiropractic can help speed up the healing process and reduce associated pain. Chiropractors can provide tailored care to help runners recover faster and return to their optimal health.
- Performance Improvement: chiropractic can optimize mobility, posture and muscle function, allowing runners to improve their performance. Chiropractors can provide individualized advice on how to optimize running performance and how to prevent injuries during sports.
Today, chiropractic is a valuable resource for athletes looking to improve their health and performance. The chiropractors are health professionals qualified to give personalized advice adapted to each runner. So don't hesitate any longer and call on chiropractic to optimize your sport practice!

Tips for runners of the Paris Marathon
Improving performance and avoiding injury is essential for any runner. The chiropractors of theAFC have shared valuable tips to help athletes achieve their goals. Here are the most common recommendations:
- Strengthen your hip muscles with squats: This exercise is excellent for preventing knee pain and injury. Lower yourself by bending your knees until your thigh and calf are at right angles to each other, then slowly raise yourself up by contracting your glutes.
- Running in moderation: Do not run more than 60 km per week or more than 4 days per week. Running too often can increase the risk of injury and pain.
- Choose the right shoes: Choose shoes that match your stride, foot shape and weight to avoid injury and knee pain.
- Replace your shoes regularly: After about 500 km of running, it is time to change shoes to maintain good shock absorption and support.
In addition to these practical tips, the chiropractors also emphasized the importance of nutrition and recovery to optimize performance. Finally, to avoid any risk of injury, it is recommended to consult a chiropractor for a chiropractic check-up before a sports competition. You will be able to detect any imbalances or dysfunctions that could affect your performance.

"After attending the Run Experience and exchanged with athletes from all over the world, one thing is certain: chiropractic is gaining ground in the support of high-level athletes, but also of amateur athletes.
Today, athletes of all levels realize the importance of a healthy and balanced body to achieve their athletic goals, and they know that chiropractic can help them do this.
In France, chiropractic is increasingly recognized for its benefits in the prevention and treatment of sports injuries, as well as in improving athletic performance. The chiropractors are experts in biomechanics, posturology and muscle rebalancing, making them essential health professionals for all athletes."
Tran Chantal D.C & Audrey Deberdt D.C

"How to optimize your sports preparation
If you are an amateur or professional athlete and you are looking to improve your performance, don't hesitate to make an appointment with a chiropractor near you for a postural assessment and a personalized follow-up. Your body will thank you and you will be able to reach your sports goals in a healthier and more efficient way.